As we have mentioned, our products are inspired by the natural world. They are designed and created to try and connect children with the outside and help them appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature, so to do our bit to try and protect it is important to us.
We are trying our best to ensure that our products and packaging are as environmentally friendly as possible. We aren't yet perfect but we have spent a lot of time and effort sourcing what we feel are the best choices for you, the environment and for our brand. These efforts range from selling our Natural Dough and Earth Paints in reusable glass jars to using naturally fallen trees to make our Dough Stamps.
Wildlife forms an intrinsic part of the natural world, some of the animals that are most at risk live on our doorstep, here in the UK. We have named our colours after some of the key messages we are hoping to raise awareness of; Clean the Ocean and Save the Bees, in the hope that we inspire young people to take part in events to actively benefit their local wildlife. As part of this aim, and to try and undo some of the damage that single use plastics are doing to our planet, beaches and wildlife, we will be organising and taking part in beach clean events. We will be advertising these on our Events page so that you can come and help collect litter that would otherwise be washed into the sea.


Working for a cleaner ocean
Beach clean ups are a brilliant way to give back to the environment and keep our coastlines free from litter.
We live on some of the prettiest coast lines in the country and we are working hard to keep it that way. We will be arranging a series of beach clean operations to try and do our bit to preserve the natural environment and protect sea life.
We are always looking for volunteers to join us and help clear a beach of litter, send us an email or contact us on Instagram if you would like to be kept up to date on our next venture.

Help us to Save the bees
Bees and other pollinators are a vital part of our countryside, so we have put together a few ways you can make a difference.
Make a bee box by drilling holes in a log or simply bundle up lengths of bamboo, to provide nesting sites for solitary bees.
You can also do this by building artificial chambers, using natural materials or recycled household items.
Grow the plants that provide food for bees and other pollinating insects through the seasons. As well as planting flowers, think about herbs, fruit, vegetables, shrubs and trees
Never use chemical pesticides in your garden, you may be using neonicotinoids and harming bees and other insects without even realising it.